Track: Sponsored Solutions Track III


Day of week:

Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of performance monitoring, Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.

Track Host:
Nitin Bharti
Managing Editor and Product Manager @C4Media
Nitin has helped build several notable online developer communities including, DZone, and The Code Project. He is known for his extensive editorial work in the Enterprise Java, .NET, SOA, and Agile communities. As Managing Editor and Product Manager at C4Media - the producer of and QCon events - Nitin continues to pursue his primary passion: helping spread knowledge and innovation throughout the enterprise software development community.
10:35am - 11:25am

by Nicholas Durkin
Monitoring Engineer @OverOps

by Steve Rogers
Software Development Director @Viator

Production exception handling is a dark science. Once your code gets out to production, any minor imperfection or glitch can translate into millions of errors. It’s the least explored subject matter, with the largest impact on how your application behaves.

In this talk, Nick Durkin, an OverOps monitoring engineer, will cover the current state of methodologies and tools used to troubleshoot Java errors in production, though logs...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Ryan Boyd
Engineer & Head of DevRel

Whether you're trying to recommend products to buy, people to follow, influencers to target or articles to read, recommendations using graph algorithms are very valuable to produce.

Typical workflows involve using ML to train a model, and using that model to power recommendations. This requires the models be re-trained as new data comes in. This makes it challenging to ensure you're serving relevant recommendations based on...

1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Sigfrido Narvaez
Senior Solutions Architect @MongoDB

The rigidness of monolithic applications and single datastores created the need for flexible architectures, such as micro-services and a myriad of alternative data technologies. As software engineers adopted this trend they found themselves with the symptom of “the embarrassment of riches”, having to onboard and support too many technologies, and even introducing additional management tools. As an answer, datastores are adapting and becoming as multifaceted as...

2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Brian Bulkowski
CTO and Co-Founder @Aerospike

Containers are great ephemeral vessels for your applications. But what about the data that drives your business? It must survive Containers coming and going, maintain its availability and reliability, and grow when you need it. In this talk, we will review a number of strategies to deal with persistent Containers; we will also discuss where the data can be stored and how to scale the persistent Container layer. We will include code samples and interactive demos showing the power of Docker...

4:10pm - 5:00pm

by Pavel Hardak
Director of Product Management @Basho

Everybody agrees that IoT is changing the world... and creates new challenges for software developers, architects and DevOps. How can we build efficient and highly scalable distributed applications using open-source technologies? What are characteristics of data generated by IoT devices and how it differs from traditional enterprise or Big Data problems? Which architectural patterns are beneficial for IoT use cases and why some trusted methods eventually turn out to be “anti-patterns”? This...

5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Mark Galpin
Senior Solution Architect @JFrog

Docker is hot. However, as Docker container use spreads into more mature production pipelines, there can be issues about control of Docker images to ensure they are production-ready. Is a promotion-based model appropriate to control and track the flow of Docker images from development to production?

We will demonstrate how to implement a promotion model for docker images, and then show how to distribute them to any kind of consumer, being it a customer or a data center.



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9