Presentation: DevOps Nightmares: To Gigabytes and Beyond!


1:40pm - 2:30pm



The web made Agile possible. Agile made DevOps necessary. A lot has changed in the intervening years, including the sheer amount of data to manage. Developers today may have to bring down 100 GB worth of content to code an application for a device that fits in the palm of your hand. That's incredible when you consider that the Apollo 11's command module had only 64k of iron-core memory, and it took men to the moon and back. Are petabytes in your future? How can your organization uphold Agile principles on such an upward trajectory? In this session we'll place the problem in its more detailed historical context, discuss the challenges of continuous integration, testing, and delivery, and offer some best practices around leveraging your versioning system.

Speaker: John Williston

Product Marketing Manager @Perforce

John is a veteran software developer for Windows, .NET, and the web as well as a musician, philosopher, gamer and all around self-admitted geek. As a Product Marketing Manager and Developer Evangelist at Perforce, he spends much of his time bringing those skills to bear on the challenges of marketing.

Find John Williston at

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