Microservices Orchestration: Designing Resilient Systems for the Future

Microservices have become the goto architectural pattern for building distributed applications.  
There are several benefits to this architecture that promotes a high degree of flexibility in deployment, isolation from fault and easy to test and scale.  At the same time, as the application logic gets more complex, this architecture also creates an additional burden of having to maintain the distributed state, transaction and decoupling of services without ending up in a distributed monolithic architecture.

Conductor is a platform for orchestrating microservices and building applications using event-driven architecture - originally developed at Netflix and now maintained by Netflix and Orkes - Conductor is the most widely adopted open source platform for Microservices orchestration.

This workshop will give you foundational knowledge about orchestration patterns and Conductor, how it helps developing applications and helps with operation scale once running in production.  We will use a combination of presentation and hands-on lab.

Key Takeaways

1 Understand what is a distributed monolith and how to avoid building one.

2 How Orchestration with Conductor helps add resiliency to your applications.

3 How Conductor helps with building complex applications that span multiple languages, teams and user personas ranging from developers to SREs and product managers.

4 How it helps you evolve applications rapidly and experiment while running in production.


Olivier Poupeney

Head of Developer Relations @Orkes

Olivier manages Orkes' Developer Relations program for Orkes and Netflix Conductor's developer community.
Before joining Orkes, Olivier was Director of Developer Ecosystem at Symphony where he built Symphony's open source strategy and managed its related developer tooling contributions to Finos such as BDKs.

Prior to Symphony Olivier was the creator of two developer centric platforms and led their engineering until their respective acquisitions.

Olivier is co-author of a patented method of creating customizable applications.

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Friday Oct 6 / 09:00AM PDT ( 3 hours )




Level intermediate

