Track: Deploying at Scale
- Grand Ballroom B/C
Day of week:
- Tuesday
Over the past few years, cloud providers have given us tools like virtual machines and autoscaling to help us deploy and operate reliably at scale. Now, Docker has provided us an evolutionary leap forward, empowering us to build once and deploy to any Linux environment without using a proprietary API. Alongside Docker, systems like Mesos and Consul are the underpinnings of the next generation of deployment. We can finally can step outside the bounds of individual machines and deploy applications to a grid, scaling capacity up and down as needed.

by Jeff Lindsay
Freelance Hacker, Creator of Dokku, CoArchitect of Flynn, Docker Innovator
Although designed to facilitate years of best practices, Docker has completely changed the way we design production systems. Currently, we're in a transitional period where many people still aren't using Docker to its full potential. Where do we go from here?
In this talk, Jeff Lindsay, who helped envision Docker and has since built dozens of components for the ecosystem, will be sharing his existing and upcoming tooling for building ultra-modern system architectures around Docker....
by Jérôme Petazzoni
Hacker at Docker Inc, Runs dotCloud's PAAS
Docker offers a new, lightweight approach to application portability. Applications are shipped using a common container format, and managed with a high-level API. Their processes run within isolated namespaces which abstract the operating environment, independently of the distribution, versions, network setup, and other details of this environment.
This “containerization” has often been nicknamed “the new virtualization”. But containers are more than lightweight virtual machines....
by Armon Dadgar
Creator of Consul and Co-founder of Hashicorp
In this talk we present Consul, a distributed control plane for the datacenter. Consul aims to provide unified service discovery, monitoring, configuration and orchestration. In addition to providing high-level features, it offers low-level primitives like locking which can be used to effectively build distributed systems.
We explore the real world usage of Consul both in powering VagrantCloud and other large enterprises in industry.
by Alexander Klizhentas
Creator of Vulcand
Distributed systems built with Docker make it easy to operate fleets of containers, where new services spin up and down on demand every second. A key challenge for such distributed systems is figuring out how to get traffic flowing to the application containers running on multiple hosts and ports. Vulcand is an HTTP load balancer built with the solution to this problem in mind. It supports dynamic service discovery and traffic routing via Etcd - the discovery and configuration service from...
by Gabriel Monroy
Creator of Deis and CTO at OpDemand
Deis is an open source application platform (PaaS) that makes it easy to deploy and manage applications on your own servers.
Deis builds upon Docker and CoreOS to provide a lightweight application platform with a Heroku-inspired workflow that dramatically simplifies large-scale platform operations. Deis is uniquely focused on helping enterprise software teams operationalize Docker as it evolves.
In this talk, we will explore Deis’ integration with schedulers (Fleet, Mesos and...
by Richard Kasperowski
QCon Open Space Facilitator
Open Space
Join Chris Bednarski, our speakers, and other attendees as we discuss Docker, Mesos, Consul, and other underpinnings of the next generation of deployment. Will we finally step outside the bounds of individual machines and deploy applications to a grid, scaling capacity up and down as needed?
What is Open Space?
Every day at QConSF, we’ll open space five times, once for each track. Open Space is a kind of unconference, a simple way to run productive meetings for 5 to 2000 or...
Covering innovative topics
Monday, 3 November
Architectures You've Always Wondered about
The newest and biggest Internet architectures
Real World Functional
Putting functional programming concepts to work in the real world.
The Future of Mobile
The future of mobile and performance improvements
Continuous Delivery: From Heroics to Becoming Invisible
Continuous Delivery philosophies, cultures, hiccups, and best practices.
Unleashing the Power of Streaming Data
This track explores a variety of use-cases, platforms, and techniques for processing and analyzing stream data from the companies deploying them at scale!
Sponsored Solutions Track I
Tuesday, 4 November
Engineering for Product Success
Architectures that make products more successful
Reactive Service Architecture
Reactive, Responsive, Fault Tolerant and More.
Modern CS In the Real World
How modern CS tackles problems in the real world.
Applied Machine Learning and Data Science
Understand your big big data!
Deploying at Scale
Containerizing Applications, Discovering Services, and Deploying to the Grid.
Sponsored Solutions Track II
Wednesday, 5 November
Beyond Hadoop
Emerging Big Data Frameworks and Technology
Scalable Microservice Architectures
This track addresses the ways companies with hundreds of fine-grained web-services (e.g. Netflix, LinkedIn) manage complexity!
Java at the Cutting Edge
The latest and greatest in the Java ecosystem
Engineering culture
Successes and failures in creating an engineering culture.
Next gen HTML5 and JS
How Web Components, the Future of CSS, and more are changing the web.
Sponsored Solutions Track III