Track: Applied Machine Learning and Data Science
- Seacliff C/D
Day of week:
- Tuesday
Understand your big big data!

by Daniel Tunkelang
Head of Search Quality at LinkedIn
This talk is about applying machine learning to solve problems.
It’s not a talk about machine learning — or at least not about the theory of machine learning. Theoretical machine learning requires a deep understanding of computer science and statistics. It’s one of the most studied areas of computer science, and advances in theoretical machine learning give us hope of solving the world’s “AI-hard” problems.
Applied machine learning is more grounded but no less important. We are...
by Andrea Burbank
Search and Data Mining Engineer at Pinterest
As engineers, we regularly consider running an A/B experiment for an incremental change: should this button be red or blue, 30 pixels or 50, to maximize clicks?
This talk will focus on the risks, benefits, and lessons from running a single huge experiment with hundreds of moving parts, and with long-term engagement as the metric of success.
by Amy Heineike
Director of Mathematics at Quid
For anyone to works with large amounts of information, network analysis provides a powerful and intuitive way to understand what your data sets contain. When the output that you want is to empower the user versus improve the system, visualization becomes paramount.
Quid has built a complete platform to do this with unstructured data, but there are also simple ways you can leverage network visualizations to empower your exploration of data. This session will cover how to...
by Sean Taylor
Data Scientist at Facebook
We've all seen impressive examples of what machine learning and statistics can do when applied by experts. But how can we democratize the techniques used by researchers and turn them into better knowledge and decisions for everyone? Richard Kasperowski
QCon Open Space Facilitator
Open Space
Join Daniel Tunkelang, our speakers, and other attendees as we explore Big Data, Machine Learning, and Data Science!
What is Open Space?
Every day at QConSF, we’ll open space five times, once for each track. Open Space is a kind of unconference, a simple way to run productive meetings for 5 to 2000 or more people, and a powerful way to lead any kind of organization in everyday practice and extraordinary change.
by Oscar Celma
Director of Research, Pandora
Pandora began with The Music Genome Project, the most sophisticated taxonomy of musicological data ever collected and an extremely effective content-based approach to music recommendation. But what happens when you have a decade of additional data points, given off by more than 250 million registered users who have created 6+ billion personalized radio stations and given 45+ billion thumbs? You hire an astrophysicist.
This session will look at how the interdisciplinary...
Covering innovative topics
Monday, 3 November
Architectures You've Always Wondered about
The newest and biggest Internet architectures
Real World Functional
Putting functional programming concepts to work in the real world.
The Future of Mobile
The future of mobile and performance improvements
Continuous Delivery: From Heroics to Becoming Invisible
Continuous Delivery philosophies, cultures, hiccups, and best practices.
Unleashing the Power of Streaming Data
This track explores a variety of use-cases, platforms, and techniques for processing and analyzing stream data from the companies deploying them at scale!
Sponsored Solutions Track I
Tuesday, 4 November
Engineering for Product Success
Architectures that make products more successful
Reactive Service Architecture
Reactive, Responsive, Fault Tolerant and More.
Modern CS In the Real World
How modern CS tackles problems in the real world.
Applied Machine Learning and Data Science
Understand your big big data!
Deploying at Scale
Containerizing Applications, Discovering Services, and Deploying to the Grid.
Sponsored Solutions Track II
Wednesday, 5 November
Beyond Hadoop
Emerging Big Data Frameworks and Technology
Scalable Microservice Architectures
This track addresses the ways companies with hundreds of fine-grained web-services (e.g. Netflix, LinkedIn) manage complexity!
Java at the Cutting Edge
The latest and greatest in the Java ecosystem
Engineering culture
Successes and failures in creating an engineering culture.
Next gen HTML5 and JS
How Web Components, the Future of CSS, and more are changing the web.
Sponsored Solutions Track III