Track: Next gen HTML5 and JS
- Seacliff A/B
Day of week:
- Wednesday
The web is changing, what's coming next?

by Jason Strimpel
Staff Software Engineer at WalmartLabs
Often business needs and developer needs are at odds when developing public facing web applications, sites that need to be indexed by search engines. Business is primarily concerned with factors such as search engine optimization, SEO, improving visitor retention and reducing bounce rates, while engineering is more concerned with improving developer ergonomics, code re-usage, separation of concerns, and code maintenance.
This talk aims to describe a solution that satisfies both...
by Rob Dodson
Developer Advocate at Google
The way to build something big, is to start small. With Web Components we can create composable elements which fit together like Legos, giving us the tools we need to build complex structures out of simple pieces.
In this talk we’ll dive into the Web Component ecosystem to show you how easy it is to use off-the-shelf components to create gorgeous multi-device applications. We’ll also take a look at some new tools that make it super easy to go from zero to working prototype in no time...
by Dan Glegg
Senior Engineer of Web Services at Riot Games
Join Dan Glegg as he describes how Riot Games blends web technologies and service-oriented architecture to serve the passionate League of Legends community.
Dan will present the tools that Riot has developed to deliver user interfaces as a service, as well as the inner workings of the relevant web components and oEmbed standard.
Learn how this technique empowers engineering teams to own their value stream and enables Riot to provide richer web experiences to players.
by Omer Shapira
Engineering Manager at LinkedIn
HTTP/2 is right around the corner - Java9 and all upcoming versions of major browsers support it, & EcmaScript 6 and HTML imports benefit from it. While HTTP/2 can be seen as a “faster replacement for HTTP”, the story does not end there. HTTP/2 standardizes the foundations behind real-time Web with persistent connections, resource multiplexing and request prioritization.
This talk will introduce HTTP/2 (and SPDY), explore the impact the protocol is on application design, and go...
by Heather Brysiewicz
Founder and CEO of 4EA, Inc
Ember is a powerful MVC JavaScript framework that automagically makes a developer's life easier. Unwrap some of the mystery around how Ember works so that you can harness all it has to offer and build the most ambitious of web applications.
No Video from this talk will be available for download, after request of the speaker.
by Richard Kasperowski
QCon Open Space Facilitator
Open Space
Join Jarrod Overson, our speakers, and other attendees as we discuss HTML5, JavaScript, and other web practices and innovations!
What is Open Space?
Every day at QConSF, we’ll open space five times, once for each track. Open Space is a kind of unconference, a simple way to run productive meetings for 5 to 2000 or more people, and a powerful way to lead any kind of organization in everyday practice and extraordinary change.
Covering innovative topics
Monday, 3 November
Architectures You've Always Wondered about
The newest and biggest Internet architectures
Real World Functional
Putting functional programming concepts to work in the real world.
The Future of Mobile
The future of mobile and performance improvements
Continuous Delivery: From Heroics to Becoming Invisible
Continuous Delivery philosophies, cultures, hiccups, and best practices.
Unleashing the Power of Streaming Data
This track explores a variety of use-cases, platforms, and techniques for processing and analyzing stream data from the companies deploying them at scale!
Sponsored Solutions Track I
Tuesday, 4 November
Engineering for Product Success
Architectures that make products more successful
Reactive Service Architecture
Reactive, Responsive, Fault Tolerant and More.
Modern CS In the Real World
How modern CS tackles problems in the real world.
Applied Machine Learning and Data Science
Understand your big big data!
Deploying at Scale
Containerizing Applications, Discovering Services, and Deploying to the Grid.
Sponsored Solutions Track II
Wednesday, 5 November
Beyond Hadoop
Emerging Big Data Frameworks and Technology
Scalable Microservice Architectures
This track addresses the ways companies with hundreds of fine-grained web-services (e.g. Netflix, LinkedIn) manage complexity!
Java at the Cutting Edge
The latest and greatest in the Java ecosystem
Engineering culture
Successes and failures in creating an engineering culture.
Next gen HTML5 and JS
How Web Components, the Future of CSS, and more are changing the web.
Sponsored Solutions Track III