Track: Engineering for Product Success
- Bayview A/B
Day of week:
- Tuesday
This track covers topics that showcase how companies have designed their products to ensure business success. Learn from companies on how they improved engineering processes, flexibility, availability and scalability of their products to help their businesses be more agile and meet their customer needs.

by Aviran Mordo
Head of Back-end Engineering at Wix
by Talya Gendler
Senior Software Engineer at Wix
How do you know what 55 millions users like? is conducting over 1000 experiments per month on production to understand which features our users like and which hurt or improve our business.
In this talk we’ll explain how our engineering team is supporting our product managers in making the right decisions and getting our product roadmap on the right path. We will also present some of the open source tools we developed that help us experimenting our products on...
by Richard Kasperowski
QCon Open Space Facilitator
Open Space
Join our speakers, and other attendees as we explore topics that showcase how companies have designed their products to ensure business success. Learn from each other about improving engineering processes, flexibility, availability and scalability of your products to help your businesses be more agile and meet customer needs.
What is Open Space?
Every day at QConSF, we’ll open space five times, once for each track. Open Space is a kind of unconference, a simple way to run...
by Alvin Sng
Software Engineer at Airbnb
The Resolution Center is a web app for hosts and guests to request or send additional funds during or after their Airbnb trip. The app has many complex operations and features that need to handle various types of issues. This includes payment processing, negotiation in different currencies, file uploads, manual customer service intervention and more.
Alvin Sng, software engineer at Airbnb, will discuss the important engineering aspects of this product development, including the...
by Sam McAfee
Principal at Neo Innovation
Prioritization is one of the toughest aspects of software product-development. In these days of being agile and running lean, we don't want to prioritize our backlog by fiat, politics, or gut-feel. Teams need to be aligned to accomplish core business objectives and need tight feedback loops with the customer and stakeholders in order to achieve those objectices. To accomplish this level of cross-functional product development maturity, we must combine data from a number of sources to...
by Deepak Nadig
Head of Platform Engineering, PayPal
PayPal provides a faster, safer way to pay and get paid online, via mobile devices and in stores. With 143 million active accounts in 193 markets and 26 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global commerce, processing more than 9 million payments every day. From its initial product which enabled consumers to exchange money via PDA devices, PayPal has been enabling online merchants to accept secure payments via PayPal, helping users access money in their PayPal accounts via ATM...
by Mike Mathieson
Sr. Director of Marketing Engineering and Trust Science at eBay
One of the fundamental challenges facing today's engineers is to put Big Data assets to work deeply within product experiences. It's not sufficient to run a single insightful report on your data warehouse and declare victory. Today's customers expect a personalized, relevant, and delightful experience in the products they use, and that means using machine learning and other data-focused disciplines directly from within engineering teams.
In this talk, I'll outline some...
Covering innovative topics
Monday, 3 November
Architectures You've Always Wondered about
The newest and biggest Internet architectures
Real World Functional
Putting functional programming concepts to work in the real world.
The Future of Mobile
The future of mobile and performance improvements
Continuous Delivery: From Heroics to Becoming Invisible
Continuous Delivery philosophies, cultures, hiccups, and best practices.
Unleashing the Power of Streaming Data
This track explores a variety of use-cases, platforms, and techniques for processing and analyzing stream data from the companies deploying them at scale!
Sponsored Solutions Track I
Tuesday, 4 November
Engineering for Product Success
Architectures that make products more successful
Reactive Service Architecture
Reactive, Responsive, Fault Tolerant and More.
Modern CS In the Real World
How modern CS tackles problems in the real world.
Applied Machine Learning and Data Science
Understand your big big data!
Deploying at Scale
Containerizing Applications, Discovering Services, and Deploying to the Grid.
Sponsored Solutions Track II
Wednesday, 5 November
Beyond Hadoop
Emerging Big Data Frameworks and Technology
Scalable Microservice Architectures
This track addresses the ways companies with hundreds of fine-grained web-services (e.g. Netflix, LinkedIn) manage complexity!
Java at the Cutting Edge
The latest and greatest in the Java ecosystem
Engineering culture
Successes and failures in creating an engineering culture.
Next gen HTML5 and JS
How Web Components, the Future of CSS, and more are changing the web.
Sponsored Solutions Track III