Sociotechnical Resilience

As GenAI comes into everyday use and Quantum Computing demands new ways of software programming, organizations have to "adopt and adapt" accordingly. This inherent tension in the human-technology system causes stressors with shifting priorities, changing requirements and constant demand for new skills, leading to a decline in wellbeing and burnout. This track explores how artificial intelligence is reshaping traditional leadership models, and the skills required for engineering leaders to effectively guide teams in the age of AI. It will dive into the tactical actions that teams and engineering leaders have taken to build a robust system that is adaptable and resilient.  

Track Host

Carol Barrett

Engineering Leader @Netflix, Previously @Intel & @Cisco

Carol Barrett is a seasoned engineering leader with a passion for building inclusive, high-performing teams and growing leaders. She has worked in a variety of industries and technologies including IP networking, Internet of Things and entertainment, and is currently leading consumer identity systems teams @Netflix. 

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